DominoPDF supports logging by adding the LogFile= setting to the DoPDF() method options.
For example;
Call v.DoPDF(sURL, sPDF, “LogFile=c:\domlog.txt”)
By default the log file is generated at the end of the PDF creation process. However, in some circumstances where errors are occuring it may be needed to update the log file as each even occurs.
By adding LogLive=True to the options the log file will be updated after each event.
For example;
Call v.DoPDF(sURL, sPDF, “LogFile=c:\domlog.txt;LogLive=True”)
When LogLive=True is added there is more disk activity as the log file is written to more often.
When converting HTML content to PDF, DominoPDF can also add the actual HTML source to the log file by adding LogHTML=True to the options.
For example;
Call v.DoPDF(sURL, sPDF, “LogFile=c:\domlog.txt;LogHTML=True”)
The log file will then include the original HTM code, making debugging and analysis easier.