Provided below is a copy of the technote providing details on creating custom file sets for a DOLS subscription. You can have custom programs run on the subscription after it is installed to the user’s machine. You must use a DOLS utility called DOLMKINF to have your custom program install offline. Do the following to have your program install and run offline.
1. Create a self-extracting executable (EXE) file containing your program files. Note For Windows client platforms, the file name must begin with “N_ ” to signify that it is a Win32 file. For example: N_MYCUSTOM.EXE.
2. Copy the file to the following directory on the Domino server: Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\html\download\filesets
3. In the command prompt, navigate to the \filesets directory and run the DOLMKINF utility (DOLMKINF.EXE) by entering arguments with the following syntax: DOLMKINF -d path [-f filename] [-v version] [-h]
Argument Description
-d Enter this argument, then enter the directory path to your program files (all the separate files, not the .EXE or .DLL.)
-f Enter this argument, then enter a name for the INF file, including the INF suffix. If you do not use the -f argument, the default file name will be the same as the name of the directory specified in the -d argument.
The INF name must match the compressed EXE or .DLL file name. For example, if the EXE file is N_MYCUSTOM.EXE, specify N_MYCUSTOM here to produce N_MYCUSTOM.INF. -v Enter this argument, then specify a version number.
If you do not use this argument, the default version number is 0.0. This version number is compared against any existing custom programs previously downloaded.
The new program is not downloaded if a program with a higher version number exists on the user’s machine.
-h Enter this argument to output help.
DOLMKINF -d project\myfiles DOLMKINF -d project\myfiles -f project\n_mycustom
DOLMKINF -d project\myfiles -f project\n_mycustom -v 1.0
The utility generates an INF file containing the number of files in the program; the number of bytes for the files in the program; and the version number of the program.
4. Open the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document. Click the Services tab, then select “Custom Services.”
5. Specify your program name (without the N_ prefix or .EXE suffix) in the “Custom Services to install offline” field.
For example: MYCUSTOM In this example, DOLS looks for N_MYCUSTOM.EXE and N_MYCUSTOM.INF in the \filesets directory. The files are installed to the Domino Web Access client program directory on the user’s machine.
6. (Optional) Specify a setup program and any arguments your program takes. For example: MYCUSTOM SETUP.EXE -r In this example, DOLS looks for N_MYCUSTOM.EXE and N_MYCUSTOM.INF in the \filesets directory. The files are installed to the Domino Web Access client program directory on the user’s machine.
Then SETUP.EXE runs and takes the -r argument. Note If you specify more than one program, separate the entries with commas.