iNotes only works with certified browsers and will return a "Lotus iNotes has not been certified to work with this browser." error message if a browser is unrecognised. iNotes identifies a browser by its User-Agent and an accepted User-Agent can be spe ...
Invoices from Domino: DominoPDF supports CSS formats
Phil Hulme, Managing Director of PHd Interactive, a low cost web marketing company for SMEs, talks about his use of DominoPDF to automate the business. PHd Interactive is a pioneer in low cost websites for the small business sector. In order to support ...
iNotes Compatiblity For PDF Conversion
iNotes makes heavy use of framesets, iframes and javascript, which is not supported by DominoPDF. Therefore when using the URL interface of DominoPDF all URLs should have the &ui=webmail argument appended to the end. The &ui=webmail argument ...
iNotes Browser Compatibility For PDF COnversion
iNotes only works with certified browsers and will return a "Lotus iNotes has not been certified to work with this browser." error message if a browser is unrecognised. iNotes identifies a browser by its User-Agent and an accepted User-Agent can be spe ...
How to set page / background colour of a PDF?
As DominoPDF converts the HTML representation of a form / document to PDF you have a number of options to meet your requirements. 1. Set the background colour of the Form to the "parchment" colour you desire. 2. Set the background image of the Form to t ...
How To Resize Images When Converting To PDF
We have a customer who operates in the insurance industry and needed to convert large dimension images to PDF. By default DominoPDF would split the large image over a number of pages to ensure the content could be seen, however the customer wanted to r ...
How to control Font Embedding In PDF Documents?
By default DominoPDF embeds fonts into the PDF. The NoEmbedFonts setting in the DoPDF() method allows you to specify which fonts are not embedded into the PDF and therefore referenced directly. Usage is as follows (and detailed in the help file); ...
How Do I Add Page Numbers To PDF Document?
There are a couple of ways to add page numbers to PDF files generated from DominoPDF. 1. Use HTMLHeader or HTMLFooter settings. To add page numbering to a PDF you can control it via the settings option in the DoPDF() method. Call v.DoPDF(sURL, sP ...
How do I pass Domain details for NTLM Authentication?
- Pass a blank WebUsername and/or WebPassword and the current user credentials will be used (logon details from user machine). - Pass WebUsername and WebPassword and the MachineName\WebUsername credentials will be used (MachineName from user machine). - ...
How do I know what Authentication method my server is using?
DominoPDF supports Basic HTTP Authentication and NTLM Authentication depending on which headers the web server returns. By using the WebUsername and WebPassword attributes DominoPDF will pass authentication details as appropriate if the authentication ...