Sometimes it's needed to connect to a Notes URL and download the HTML to disk so DominoPDF can process it locally, manipulate the code, etc. LotusScript has the web retriever method but it doesn't provide all the necessary support for connectivity, aut ...
La moitié des grandes entreprises françaises se servent d’un système utilisant DominoPDF
Timothee LEPOUTRE, cogerant IT-Room (, decrit comment la principale plateforme francaise de gestion de sinistres a ete mise en ?uvre en utilisant Lotus Domino d’IBM et DominoPDF. IT-Room est un partenaire DominoPDF pour la France. SERI Expe ...
OpenOffice Interface Security
When using DominoPDF to convert attachments the OpenOffice interface is used. In some cases, security settings may need to be adjusted to allow DominoPDF to interact with OpenOffice.On the server machine where OpenOffice is installed, execute the followin ...
OpenOffice Conversion Failure – URL seems to be an unsupported one
If DominoPDF logging shows that your attachment / file conversion is failing with the error; OpenOffice Conversion Failure. OpenOfficeError: URL seems to be an unsupported one The error that was returned by O ...
OpenOffice – This file contains links to other files.
When trying to open a spreadsheet document (for example, MS Excel) in OpenOffice that contains embedded data or external links a dialog is displayed prompting whether the links should be updated. This file contains links to other files. Should they be up ...
Migrating Lotus Notes to Documentum
Chuck Connell of CHC-3 Consulting, Inc. discusses migration from Lotus Notes Domino to EMC Documentum. I have been working with Lotus Notes/Domino for about twenty years. Rumors of the product's death have been swirling around the technosphere for the pa ...
LotusScript FileExists Function
The DominoPDF DoPDF() method returns 0 (zero) for a successful operation and -1 for an unsuccesful operation. So you can take the return value and test against this, for example; iRet = DoPDF(sURL, sPDF, sOptions)if iRet = -1 then Error = True You can ...
Lotus Notes To PDF Using DominoPDF – A UK Local Government Case Study
Mark Elsdon of FSI (UK) Limited discusses his experiences of building a Notes to PDF archiving solution using DominoPDF for a UK Local Government customer. FSI (UK) Limited is a UK based IBM Advanced Partner engaged in consulting services. FSI (UK) Limit ...
Lotus Notes Migration: One Of Britain’s Largest Banking Groups Uses DominoPDF
DominoPDF was created initially to meet the growing need for creating PDF documents from Domino, however it has also emerged to be very useful in Lotus migration projects. Once you are acquainted to Lotus Notes and its programming, you develop certain af ...
Lotus Notes AutoCapture using DominoPDF
Notable Solutions integrated our DominoPDF Notes to PDF product with their NSi AutoStore solution to provide the ability to convert Lotus Notes email messages to PDF documents.AutoCapture for Notes is a client application working with NSi AutoStore allowi ...